Making the world a little bit more beautiful one bouquet at a time.


Karim reminisces about her starting days, sitting in the cozy living room of her apartment over Encinal Ave. The room was adorned with vibrant artwork, lending a touch of creativity to the space. Natural light spilled through the windows, casting a warm glow on the carefully chosen furniture and eclectic decorations. It was in this very room that Karim's dreams took shape, fueled by her determination and passion. Surrounded by the comforting ambiance, she would sit for hours, brainstorming ideas for her blossoming business, Dandelion Flowers and Gifts. Every day, as she worked tirelessly to bring her vision to life, the living room served as a constant reminder of where she had started and the remarkable journey that lay ahead.

Dandelion is a flower boutique located in the heart of Alameda’s Webster commercial street. We work directly with local floriculturists to bring our customers the freshest blooms available.

Founded in 2010 under the leadership of Karim Preuss, inspired by 1920’s English garden style, Dandelion has grown from a humble flower stand to a full-service one-stop flower arrangement resource, offering elegant arrangements for every occasion and an eclectic collection of locally made gifts, including sweets, soaps, artisan greeting cards, and more.

As a dedicated woman and a local small business owner, I take immense pride in my role as a community advocate. Beyond that, I'm honored to serve as a bridge, connecting our community with the extraordinary talents of local artisans and craftsmen. Together, we're building a stronger, more vibrant neighborhood.”


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